AIMA APAC Japan Branch会長
Rogers Investment Advisors株式会社
チーフ・エグゼクティブ・オフィサー (CEO)
チーフ・インベストメント・オフィサー (CIO)
2006年5月 Rogers Investment Advisors株式会社創業、代表取締役社長兼チーフ・インベストメント・オフィサー
2001-2006 ドイツ銀証券(東京)プライム・サービス部門を率い数々の日本及びアジア戦略のヘッジファンドをサポート
1999-2001 メリル・リンチ証券(ロンドン)、自己勘定トレーディング部門でイールド・エンハンスト、コーポレート・アクション・アービトラージを担当
1997-1999 ジョージタウン大学(経営学修士)
1989-1997 MWマーシャル(東京、香港)、アジア・スワップ部門を率い金利、為替スワップ、豪ドル、カナダドル等のスワップ商 品を担当
1987-1989 日本鋼管(本社)、プリンストン大学のアジア・フェローシップを受けて同社人事部に勤務
1983-1987 プリンストン大学(歴史学)
Edward J. Rogers
Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd. APAC Japan Branch
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer
Rogers Investment Advisors
Edward J. Rogers is Chairman of the Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd. APAC Japan Branch and Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Tokyo-based Rogers Investment Advisors K.K., a specialist in performing intensive hedge fund due diligence and managing Asian hedge fund strategies. Rogers Investment Advisors or “RIA,” is the founding company of Wolver Hill group which includes Wolver Hill Asset Management Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong and Wolver Hill Advisors in the United States.
Mr. Rogers has over 25 years of experience in Asia and financial services. Prior to launching Rogers Investment Advisors, Mr. Rogers was a member of Deutsche Bank Tokyo’s Equities Management Committee and Head of Prime Services sales for Japan. Mr. Rogers previously worked as a proprietary trader at Merrill Lynch in London, specializing in yield enhancement and corporate action arbitrage trades and also spent eight years in foreign exchange trading at M. W. Marshall in Tokyo and Hong Kong.
Mr. Rogers’ Asian career began in 1987 when he was awarded a Princeton in Asia Fellowship for Japan and worked for two years at NKK, the then second largest steel company in Japan.
He received a BA in History from Princeton University and an MBA from Georgetown University.
Jack Inglis
Jack Inglis became the Chief Executive Officer of AIMA in February 2014. He has been involved with hedge funds for 25 years and has held leadership positions in prime brokerage at both Morgan Stanley, where he served for 16 years, and Barclays, where he was prior to joining AIMA. From 2007 to 2010 he was CEO at the convertible bond specialist, Ferox Capital Management. He began his career in 1983 and has extensive experience across origination, distribution and trading across the capital markets. He holds a Master of Arts in Economics from Cambridge University.
トーマス・グレンジャー 氏
ウォーカーズ パートナー
Walkers シンガポールオフィス、投資ファンドグループのパートナーを務めています。専門は、投資ファンドおよびプライベート・エクイティに重点を置いた法人業務です。日本のヘッジファンドおよびプライベート・エクイティ市場について幅広い知識を持ち、日本における株式公募/私募に関する具体的なご相談に応じています。日本やその他アジア諸国のお客様のヘッジファンド、プライベート・エクイティ・ファンド、公共投資などを含む、さまざまな投資ファンドの構築、形成、配置全般にわたり広い経験を持っています。
Mr. Thomas Granger
Thomas Granger is a partner in the Investment Funds Group in Walkers' Singapore office. Thomas specialises in corporate work with an emphasis on investment funds and private equity. Thomas has extensive knowledge of the hedge funds and private equity market in Japan and in particular advises clients on public and private offerings in Japan. He has extensive experience with the structuring, formation and placement of investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity funds and infrastructure funds, for Japanese and other Asian clients.
ヘザー・マクリッシュ 氏
新日本有限責任監査法人 気象変動・
2015年にEY Japan Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS)チームに参加。これまでのビジネス開発やファイナンスの経験を活かし、CCaSS全体の ビジネス開発の責任者を務める。また、IRの経験をサステナビリティ(持続可能性)に生かし、ビジネスとステークホルダーの利害を融合して現実的な解決策の創出を後押ししている。
マクリッシュは、日本企業によるCSR活動の経営戦略への取り込み、およびその報告に必要なKPIの構築を支援する新しいサービスを確立。本サービスは、企業の社会的責任(CSR)を慈善活動ではなく共通価値の創造(Creating Shared Value: CSV)として浸透させ、日本のクライアントの持続可能性および競争力向上に寄与することを目的としている。
Ms. Heather McLeish
Senior Manager
Climate Change and Sustainability Services
Heather McLeish is a Senior Manager in EY Japan’s Climate Change and Sustainability Services practice. In addition to being responsible for the overall business development of the CCaSS team, Heather focuses how institutional investors are pushing companies for better disclosure and reporting on non-financial risks. She brings her experience in Investor Relations to the topic of sustainability to better merge business and stakeholder interests and create practical solutions for companies.
In CCaSS Heather built a business service which focuses on helping Japanese companies embed their CSR activities directly into their business strategy and creating the necessary KPIs for reporting. The purpose of this service is to push Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to be about more than philanthropy and make it about Creating Shared Value (CSV).This business service aims at helping Japanese companies become more sustainable and therefore more competitive in the regional and global market.
Prior to working with Ernst & Young in Japan she worked in financial services and real estate focused firms in Asia, living in both Hong Kong and Tokyo. Heather has experience doing projects in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Vietnam, and Singapore.
ハンミン・ホー 氏
Mr. Han Ming Ho
Sidley Austin
HAN MING HO is a partner and co-head of the firm’s Asia Investment Funds practice and is based in Singapore. He focuses on fund formation of open-ended and close-ended entities and related regulatory matters as well as regularly advises fund managers on the establishment of business operations in Singapore, together with the establishment, structuring and registration of investment funds in Singapore and various other Asia Pacific jurisdictions. In addition, Han Ming’s regulatory experience includes advising compliance and licensing issues relating to securities and financial advisory law as well as liaising regularly with the Singapore regulators.
Han Ming has extensive experience counseling clients on the structuring and formation of a broad range of investment funds, including hedge funds, private equity funds, real estate funds, exchange traded funds and other structured financial products. He has advised leading fund sponsors and managers, investment banks, financial institutions, venture capitalists and institutional investors.
Han Ming has a track record as a leading authority in the funds area in Asia, having been involved in various significant landmark deals in the region for over a decade. He has been recognized as a Band 1 leading individual in the Investment Funds practice in Chambers Asia Pacific, Singapore chapter since 2008.
In Chambers Asia Pacific, Han Ming was described as “a premier name for real estate and private equity funds work and his wide range of expertise makes him a top choice for establishing, structuring and registering funds.” He was also praised as one who “knows the market very well” and is a “terrific hedge funds lawyer.” Han Ming was noted as “a leading figure in Singapore's investment fund space” in the 2017 edition of the book with clients praised his ability to "see the big picture and give helpful insights into what is happening in the industry." In the 2015 edition of the book, he is described as being singled out by sources for his versatile experience in private funds, including the structuring and formation of hedge funds and real estate funds. He is a frequent representative of leading fund managers, who highlight his “client-oriented and commercial approach" and his provision of "salient advice on regulatory changes and their impact.”
He was also recognized as a leading lawyer in the sixth edition of “Best Lawyers” for Investment Funds and Mutual Funds practice in Singapore; as well as in the 2017 edition of of “The Legal 500 Asia Pacific” and “Who’s Who Legal: Private Funds.”
酒向 由紀 氏
K&L Gates 外国法共同事業法律事務所
東京オフィスのアソシエイト (旧姓 山口) (旧61期)。金融商品取引法、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律、銀行法等、ヘッジファンド、プライベート・エクイティー・ファンド、投資顧問会社、証券会社、保険会社等の金融機関に対する種々の規制を取り扱う。米国の各種連邦銀行法及び証券関連規制法等、銀行、信託会社、証券会社、保険会社その他の金融機関に対する米国連邦法上の規制及びそのコンプライアンスについても取り扱う。
Ms. Yuki Sako
K&L Gates Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise
Yuki Sako (Yamaguchi) is an associate in the firm’s Tokyo office. She advises hedge funds, private equity funds, asset managers, broker-dealers, insurance companies and other financial institutions on a number of Japanese regulatory issues, including issues under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, the Banking Act and anti-corruption regime. She also advises banking institutions, trust companies, broker-dealers, insurance companies and other financial institutions on U.S. regulatory and compliance issues, including issues under the various federal banking laws and federal securities laws.
Ms. Sako represents corporations and individuals in a broad range of commercial disputes and white collar crimes before Japanese courts and in international commercial arbitration, and conducts internal corporate investigations.
鬼頭 朱実 氏
PwC税理士法人 金融部 パートナー
Ms. Akemi Kito
Tax Partner, Financial Services, PwC Tax Japan
Akemi Kito is a Partner at PwC Tax Japan and has over 20 years of experience as a tax advisor for funds, financial institutions and cross-border financial transactions. In addition, she also serves as the PwC Tax Japan Knowledge Center leader (Tax Policy Section).
マーカス・ウォン 氏
PwC税理士法人 グローバルモビリティサービス
多国籍企業のグローバル・モビリティや個人所得税関連の税務アドバイスに従事。在日米国商工会議所(ACCJ) 税制委員会の共同議長。
Mr. Marcus Wong
Partner, Global Mobility Services, PwC Tax Japan
Marcus Wong is a partner in PwC Tax Japan where he advises financial services companies and their senior executives on global mobility issues and individual tax compliance and planning. He is also the co-chair of tax committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) Global Mobility Services.
今井 利友 氏
金融庁 総務企画局政策課 課長補佐
Mr. Toshitomo Imai
Deputy Director, Policy Planning & Research Office, Policy and Legal Division,
Planning & Coordination Bureau
Financial Services Agency
Mr. Imai started to work at the Osaka Regional Tax Bureau in 1993, and was seconded to the Financial Services Agency in 2004. In 2007, he was appointed as Deputy Director in charge of tax reform. Since then, he has been engaged in the planning of financial taxation such as "unified taxation on financial product" and "NISA", as well as international taxation such as "introduction of Authorized OECD Approach (AOA)" and "Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) Rules".
岩永 聡 氏
ユーリカヘッジ 会長
1983年、日本興業銀行入行。以降一貫して市場業務(リスク管理を含む)と調査業務に従事し、みずほ銀行へ統合後を含め、当該業務経験は30年以上に及ぶ。その間、銀行内に初めてのリスク管理専担部署立ち上げ、その後ロンドン・上海においてもリスク管理責任者として当局対応を含めた業務に従事。2007年にはニューヨークにて邦銀系としては唯一のオルタナティブ専門の投資顧問会社である「みずほオルタナティブインベストメンツ」を設立し、COOに就任する等、グローバルなInvestment の動向 に精通。2011年よりユーリカヘッジ会長に就任、現在に至る。国際基督教大学(教養)卒、米ジョンズ・ホプキンス大院(外交政策)修了。
Mr. Satoshi Iwanaga
Satoshi Iwanaga has been the Chairman of Eurekahedge Pte. Ltd. since 2011, when
it was acquired by Mizuho Corporate Bank (currently Mizuho Bank). Prior to this,
Satoshi established Mizuho Alternative Investments, LLC (MAI) in New York in 2007 and served as its COO. MAI is still the only alternative asset management company affiliated with a major Japanese Bank.
Satoshi joined The Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ) in 1983 and was assigned to the currency trading and research areas before setting up the first market risk management function at IBJ’s Head Office in Tokyo. After Tokyo, he was the Head of Risk Management in London and Shanghai before being transferred to New York. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Liberal Arts from the International Christian University in Tokyo as well as a Masters Degree in Foreign Policy from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C.
清水 時彦 氏
市場部門 執行役員
Mr. Tokihiko Shimizu
Managing Director, Head of Private Markets Investment
Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd
Tokihiko Shimizu is Certified Pension Actuary and holds BS in Mathematics from Sophia University. He is Managing Director and Head of Private Markets Investment at Japan Post Bank. He is responsible for Private Equity Investment Department and Real Estate Investment Department at the Bank. He also served as Visiting Professor at Research Institute for Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Science since June 2016. From 2007 to 2015, He spent seven and a half years at Government Pension Investment Fund, mainly as Director-General of Research Department and Investment Policy Actuary. He was responsible for investment strategy including strategic asset allocation and implementation of alternative investment. He had been served as Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Innovation Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology from April 2015 to March 2016. From 2007 to 2015, He lectured the actuarial mathematics and financial mathematics at Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Waseda University. He was a member of EDHEC-Risk Institute’s International Advisory Board from 2013 to 2015. He has 28 year experiences in the public and private pension fund management since he joined Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1987. Between 1998 and 2001, he was deeply involved in the revamp of Japanese pension system, by legislating Defined Benefit Corporate Pension Act and Defined Contribution Pension Act. He also spent four years at Pension Fund Association as Director of Actuarial Department.
荒川 暁 氏
Mr. Satoru Arakawa
J-STAR Co., Ltd.
Satoru Arakawa has been an investment professional at J-STAR since 2007, and has focused on small-cap buyouts in Japan. Based in Tokyo, he has been involved in six transactions and value-added activities for portfolio companies in the industrial and healthcare sectors.
Prior to joining J-STAR, Arakawa worked for eight years in strategic consulting at Nomura Research Institute, where he engaged in strategic advisory and business improvements for a broad range of sectors, including PE-backed companies.
櫻田 浩一 氏
マネージング・ディレクター &
Mr. Koichi Sakurada
President & CEO
New Frontier Japan Investment Co., Ltd.
Mr. Sakurada is President and CEO of New Frontier Japan Investment, a private equity firm focusing on investment opportunities accompanying Japan's small cap business successions, established in 2016. Prior to that Koichi served as Senior Managing Director and Board Member of Regional Economy Vitalization Corporation (ex-Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation), a JPY2 trillion government-affiliated fund, managing a >100-people investment team between 2009 to 1015. He also enjoyed his 22-year investment banking tenure at Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank.
伊藤 潤一 氏
Mr. Junichi Ito
Managing Director & Portfolio Manager
ジュン・ヨン・キム 氏
麻布バリュー・ファンド 最高投資責任者(CIO)/
ジュンは、麻布バリュー・ファンドの最高投資責任者(CIO)/ポートフォリオ・マネージャーです。 RIA(ロジャーズ インベストメント アドバイザーズ株式会社)に入社する以前は、2006年から2015年 までフィデリテイ投信株式会社のポートフォリオ・マネージャー、2003年から2005年まで八部衆キャピタルのパートナー兼Trilokaマスターファンドのファンダメンタルによる ロング・ショートポートフォリオのポートフォリオ・マネージャーでした。1996年から2003年まで、 フィデリティ・インベストメンツ・ジャパンのポートフォリオ・マネージャー、リサーチアナリストに 携わり、リサーチでのインターンを経験した。 コーネル大学卒、シカゴ大学MBA
Mr. June-Yon Kim
Rogers Investment Advisors – Chief Investment Officer/Portfolio Manager of the Azabu Value Fund
June is Chief Investment Officer/Portfolio Manager of the Azabu Value Fund. Prior to joining RIA (Rogers Investment Advisors), he was a Portfolio Manager with FIL Japan (Fidelity International) from 2006 to 2015. From 2003 to 2005, June was a Partner at Hachibushu Capital and Co-Portfolio Manager of the fundamental long/short portfolio of the Triloka Master Fund. From 1996 to 2003, June was a Portfolio Manager, Research Analyst and Research Intern at Fidelity Investments Japan. He received his MBA from the University of Chicago and BA from Cornell University.
後藤 正樹 氏
日立製作所にてシステム開発に従事した後、ゴールドマンサックス証券でデリバティブ市場リサーチ・投資戦略を担当し、デリバティブ&トレーディングリサーチのアジアヘッドを 務める。 その後、言語解析システム開発のベンチャー企業を創業。 モルガンスタンレー証券会社での自己トレーディング部門勤務後、SPCジャパンLLCでアジア地区ロングショート 戦略を担当。 2011年に現みさきメンバーが投資助言していた投資運用会社にポートフォリオマネージャーとして参画。
Mr. Masaki Gotoh
Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager
Misaki Capital Inc.
Masaki is a Partner, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager of Misaki Capital Inc. Prior to co-founding Misaki, he was Portfolio Manager of the Asuka Value Up Fund, responsible for managing the Fund and the investment team. Prior to this, he worked at SPC Japan (Standard Pacific Capital LLC’s Japan Advisory) jointly responsible for long-short investments in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, as well as Morgan Stanley Japan in International Proprietary Trading and Goldman Sachs Japan heading Asia-Pacific Derivatives and Trading Research and brings 15+ years of experience in finance.
Masaki received his B.Eng in Computer Science from Cornell University and MBA from Northwestern University.
セシリア・メリン 氏
彼女は2006年にアジアン・テクノロジー・アドバイザーズ有限会社を設立し、3000万米ドルの資産を有するアジアのテクノロジーのロング/ショートエクイティファンドであるPanax Fundへの投資顧問を務めました。 2007年、Panaxがテクノロジー系ファンドの上位20%にランクされました。 セシリアは2006年から2009年までPanaxに助言するだけでなく、5億米ドルを超える資産を持つ他のグローバルとアジアファンドにも助言しました。セシリアは、1999年に香港のエイチエスビーシー・ホールディングスに入社し、電気通信技術系企業を対象とした投資銀行の取締役を務めました。 2000年に取締役社長に昇進し、通信メディア&テクノロジー投資銀行のディレクターも兼ねて務めました。エイチエスビーシー・ホールディングスにて、セシリアはアジアパシフィック地域をカバーし、190億ドルの合併案件、IPO及び公募を実行しました。 1994年、セシリアは香港に進出し、アジアの通信会社とメディア会社のプロジェクトファイナンスにフォーカスし、投資銀行家としてJPモルガン・チェース銀行に入社しました。アジアに進出する前に、セシリアはワシントンでエムシーアイ・コミュニケーションズのコーポレート・ディベロップメント・ディレクターを務め、ニューヨークでモルガン・スタンレーとブーズ・アレン・ハミルトンでも働いていました。彼女はアイビーエム(IBM)でプログラマーとしてキャリアをスタートしました。1989年に米国マサチューセッツ工科大学からMBA財務修士号を取得し、ワレンベルグ奨学金を受領しています。1982年にスウェーデンのヨーテボリ大学で経営管理、コンピュータサイエンスの学士号を取得しました。セシリアは、英語、スウェーデン語、フランス語、日本語、中国語を話せます。ハビタット・ジャパンの取締役でもあります。
Ms. Cecilia Melin
Chief Investment Officer, Gingko Asia Fund
Rogers Investment Advisors
Cecilia Melin started Gingko Asia Fund in 2014, after spending 25 years in the technology sector in the United States and Asia. Cecilia has been living in Asia since 1994 in Hong Kong and in Tokyo. She founded Asian Technology Advisors Y.K. in 2006 to act as investment advisor to Panax Fund, an Asian technology long / short equity fund with approximately US$ 30 million of assets. In 2007, Panax was ranked in the top 20% of technology funds. In addition to advising Panax from 2006 to 2009 Cecilia has also advised other global and Asian funds with assets in excess of US$ 500 million. Cecilia joined HSBC in Hong Kong in 1999 as Director in the investment banking group covering telecom and technology companies. In 2000, she became Managing Director and Head of Telecom, Media & Technology Investment Banking. At HSBC, Cecilia executed US$19bn of Mergers & Acquisitions and IPO transactions as well as equity offerings throughout Asia-Pacific. In 1994, Cecilia moved to Hong Kong to join JPMorgan as an investment banker focused on project finance for Asian telecom and media companies. Prior to moving to Asia, Ms. Melin worked in Washington DC as a Director of Corporate Development for the MCI Corporation Inc., in New York for Morgan Stanley & Co, Inc. and Booz, Allen & Hamilton. She started her career with International Business Machines (IBM) as a programmer. She received her Master of Science in Finance from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. in 1989 and is a Wallenberg Scholarship recipient. She graduated in 1982 with a bachelor degree in Business Administration, Computer Science from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Cecilia speaks English, Swedish, French, Japanese and conversational Mandarin Chinese. Cecilia is also a Director of Habitat Japan.
有友 圭一 氏
Mr. Keiichi Aritomo
Japan International Asset Mgmt IAM/
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Keiichi Aritomo is Representative Director and founder of JIAM, the consortium for Japan international asset management center promotion, a non-profit oriented organization. He is also a Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Koike’s advisory council on her Global Financial City initiative. In addition, Keiichi is Japan representative of Kensho Technologies, Inc., a Boston based machine learning and big data powered investment analytics provider.
Prior to the current role, Keiichi was a partner at McKinsey, Deloitte and PwC focusing on technology enabled transformation for financial services industry based in New York, London, Munich, Tokyo and Bangkok.