Chris Pickles

Head of Industry Initiative, Global Banking & Financial Markets

Chris Pickles is responsible for interpreting the impact of industry and technology changes and new regulations on BT's customers across the financial services sector globally. Chris has over 35 years' experience in this sector and has previously worked as secretary-general of the European Association of Securities Dealers in Brussels, as Head of Exchange Products for Deutsche Boerse in Frankfurt, and is a member of the Global Steering Committee of FIX Protocol Ltd.


Head of Industry Initiative, Global Banking & Financial Markets

クリスは全欧証券業協会(EASD)事務総長(ブリュッセル)、ドイツ証券取引所の取引所プロダクトのトップ(フランクフルト)を経て、FIX Protocol Ltdのグローバル運営委員会に所属しています。35年以上の業界経験から、産業とテクノロジーの変化そして規制の動向がグローバル金融に与える影響について、深い知見と洞察を持っています。

David Wilkinson

Senior Director, Business Development
Equinix Asia Pacific

David joined Equinix in July 2002 and is currently responsible for the Financial Services’ vertical for Equinix across the Asia-Pacific region. Prior to his current role at Equinix, David was the Managing Director of Equinix Japan for a period of seven years.

David has spent 20 years living and working in Asia and has focused his career on the development of businesses in the region.

Prior to joining Equinix, Mr. Wilkinson served as President of CCC Network Systems K.K. for four and half years, where he led CCC's entry into both the Japanese and Korean markets, providing infrastructure services and server farm management solutions primarily to data center operators, financial institutions, and large corporate institutions. Prior to CCC, Mr. Wilkinson worked for the Fujitsu Group for more than ten years, both inside and outside of Japan including his role as Vice President of Business Development for ICL Japan (a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu), which specialized in the introduction and promotion of European technologies into the Japanese market.

Mr. Wilkinson graduated from Glasgow University, United Kingdom, with a First Class Honours Degree in Computing Science, Physics and Mathematics.


Equinix Asia Pacific
ビジネスデベロップメント シニアディレクター

David Wilkinson は、2002 年 7 月にエクイニクスに入社しました。 Wilkinson は 10 年以上日本に在住し、日本のビジネスに深く関わってきました。 主として、海外企業向けの日本市場の営業開拓や、海外の技術やサービスを日本市場に投入する日本企業を支援してきました。現在は、アジアパシフィック地域における金融サービス市場の開発に従事しています。

エクイニクス入社前の 4 年半は、CCC Network Systems K.K. のプレジデントを務め、主としてデータセンター運用企業や金融機関、大手企業向けにインフラサービスとサーバーファーム管理ソリューションを提供するべく、日本と韓国での市場参入を指揮しました。

それ以前は富士通グループに属し、10 年以上にわたって日本国内外で勤務してきました。富士通グループでは、100% 子会社である ICL Japan の営業開発部門担当バイスプレジデントとして、ヨーロッパの技術を日本市場に紹介・導入する業務を担当しました。

Wilkinson は、英国のグラスゴー大学を卒業し、コンピュータ科学、物理学、および数学で第 1 級優等学位を取得しています。

Hidenori Hirabayashi

Vice President
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Hirabayashi is a Vice President of Global Execution Services Asia at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He is based in Tokyo.
He is responsible for marketing and implementing optimal trading products/strategies to help clients achieve best execution across each of the markets in the Asia Pacific region

平林 秀紀


平林秀紀は、メリルリンチ日本証券のグローバル エクセキューション サービスのヴァイス・プレジデント。
東京を拠点として、Optimal Trading(最適取引)関連の商品及び戦略のマーケティングを担当し、アジア・パシフィック地域の顧客における最良執行の実現に従事している。

Hironobu Nagaoka

Equity Trading department, Managing Director
Nomura Asset Management

now, Managing Director at the Equity Trading department.

2006 - 2007
In charge of planning of Pilot Fund and developing the Investment Decision Support System at the Business Planning department.

1990 - 2006
Managed some Japanese equity active funds as fund manager at the Equity Investment department.

Joined the Nomura Securities Investment Trust Management.
Before joining the investment management industry, Joined a precision machinery maker. Graduated with a Bachelor of Economics from Sophia University.

長岡 広伸

エクイティー・トレーディング部 部長





Hiroshi Matsubara

Co-Chair, Japan FIX Committee /
Marketing Director, Fidessa kk

Joined Fidessa in September 2005. In charge of the overall marketing functions of Fidessa and LatentZero product suites (solutions for multi-asset trading, portfolio analysis, decision support, investment compliance, market data and global connectivity for both the buy-side and the sell-side) and the marketing communications activities for the Japanese market.
More than 20 years industry experience with financial information and electronic transactional products. Engaged in the electronic securities trading business for the last 10 years and proactively participated in the Japan FIX committee activities as a governance board member since 2006. Elected as Co-Chair of the FPL Japan regional committee in 2007.
Before joining Fidessa, held the position of VP, Head of Sales and Marketing for Japan with TradingScreen, and worked for Reuters for 17 years holding various product marketing positions both in Tokyo and overseas (UK and US). Joined Reuters London as a graduate management trainee from Reuters Asia in 1987.

松原 弘

株式会社フィデッサ マーケティング部統括部長


Hiroshi Yamaguchi

Sales Manager
Liquidnet Japan Inc.

Yamaguchi joined Liquidnet in Aug 2006 as IT/Security manager and currently is responsible for sales manager to provide sole block trade service for Japan buy-sides firm to achieve best execution. Prior to working at Liquidnet, Yamaguchi was a President, Global Alliance Partners Japan Inc, where he offered strategic advice to U.S. venture companies looking to commence operations in Japan. Yamaguchi started carrier at AT&T/Lucent Technologies. Yamaguchi holds B.A. in Economics from Meiji University.

山口 博志



Isao Hasegawa

Director of Equities Department
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

Mr. Hasegawa leads the Equities Department, whose operations include drafting rules for the Tokyo Stock Exchange stock market and operating and supervising the market.
He joined Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1987. In June 2001, he became a head of Strategic Planning Group in the Equities Department, after which he served as a manager in the Corporate Strategy Department before assuming his current position as Director of the Equities Department in 2010.

長谷川 勲


1987年に東京証券取引所入所。2001 年6 月より株式会社東京証券取引所株式部株式総務課長を務め、経営企画部課長を経て、2010年に現職である株式部長に就任。

Jiro Inoue

Sales Trading Dept.
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

Jiro Inoue is Director, Electronic Trading Sales in Equity Group at Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. He is responsible for all duties associated with the new sales and marketing on all Mizuho’s electronic trading services, such as DMA, algorithmic trading, dark pool and SOR. Prior to joining Mizuho in March 2012, he worked at Credit Suisse for 5 years as a sales and marketing of AES (Advanced Execution Services) for Japan market. Prior to Credit Suisse, he was a Executive of Bloomberg EMSX as well as Sales Manager of Omgeo OASYS Global, ALERT and CTM. He graduated from Ritsumeikan University in 1993.

井上 二郎



Jun Uno

Waseda Univerity

Professor, Graduate School of Finance, Waseda University.
In 1975 he obtained a BA from the School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. During 2002-04 he was Professor, School of Commerce, Chuo University, and during 2006-09 held the post of Dean, Graduate School of Finance, Accounting and Law, Waseda University. He was awarded a Graham & Dodd Scroll 1 in 1991 from the Financial Analysts Journal, and won the 42nd Nikkei Economic Book Award from Japan Center for Economic Research. His publications include “Number of shareholders and stock price: evidence from Japan” Journal of Finance 1998, “Speed of trade and liquidity” 2012 Gendai Finance.

宇野 淳



Junya Umeno

CO-Chair, Japan FIX Committee /
Director, Head of Trading
BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd.

Junya Umeno, Director, Head of Trading, BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd., is responsible for trading equity, currency and other derivatives to provide best execution service for clients. He is also responsible for various trading related researches like post trade analysis, and customized algorithmic trading implementation.

Mr. Umeno's service with BlackRock dates back to 2006, including his years with Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which merged with BlackRock in 2009. At BGI he was a trader, responsible for multi asset class trading. Prior to joining BGI, Mr. Umeno was a senior trader at Franklin Templeton Investments in Japan from 2002 to 2006. He began his career at Kosei Securities in 1996 in the proprietary trading desk of equity trading department.

Mr. Umeno earned a BA degree from Kobe University in 1996, and a MBA degree in finance from Waseda University in 2006.

梅野 淳也

運用部門 トレーディング部長 ディレクター

神戸大学経済学部卒業。早稲田大学大学院ファイナンス研究科修了。証券会社等を経て、2006年よりバークレイズ・グローバル・インベスターズ株式会社(現ブラックロック・ジャパン株式会社)にてトレーディング業務に従事。2011年8月より現職。CMA。共著に『価格はなぜ動くのか』(日経BP社)、『計量アクティブ運用のすべて』(きんざい)がある。「日本株レンディング市場の実証分析 -株券貸借モデルによる空売り規制効果の測定-」(共著)で2009年度証券アナリストジャーナル賞を受賞。

Kosuke Yokoo

Financial Services Agency

Kosuke YOKOO is a director for market operations and CIS. After he joined in FSA in 2007, he was engaged in the supervision for banks, regulatory reform about investment trust fund, and regulations over PTSs.

横尾 光輔

金融庁 総務企画局市場課

  • 1970年 福岡県生まれ
  • 1993年3月 一橋大学経済学部卒業
  • 1997年6月University of Washington (Seattle), Graduate School of Economics (修士)
  • 1993年4月 旧大蔵省入省
  • 財務省、国税庁、外務省(在豪州日本大使館)、内閣府(経済財政諮問会議事務局)
  • 2007年7月 金融庁
  • 監督局 銀行第一課(メガバンク)、銀行第二課(地方銀行)、総務企画局 企画課
  • 2011年7月より現職

Makoto Nagahori

Head of Instinet Group
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.

Makoto Nagahori is currently the head of the Instinet Group in Nomura Securities. He joined Nomura in 1999 after graduating from Tokyo University.
From 2006 to 2009, he worked for the US equity trading business for Nomura Securities International
and Instinet LLC in New York. In 2009, he moved to Instinet Japan Limited (in Tokyo) and was in charge of Equity Trading.
Since August 2012, he is in charge of electronic trading sales at Nomura Securities in Tokyo.

永堀 真



Masami Hatakeyama

Representative Director and CEO
SBI Japannext

Masami Hatakeyama is Representative Director and Co-CEO of SBIJapannext.
Prior to joining the company in April 2008, he was with Rakuten Securities as Director and executive officer for over 8 years, responsible for ensuring the maintenance of compliance. Before that, he worked at JSDA for 15 years. He was engaged in self-regulatory rulemaking activities through establishing closer relationships with the government and the industry, and participated in its NY office to research US securities markets.

畠山 優実

SBI Japannext証券株式会社
代表取締役 Co-CEO


Masasuke Ide


Born in Tokyo, 1942.
1965 BC, Hitotsubashi Univ. 1969 MBA Wharton School, U of Penn.
Analyst, Research Inst. and Nomura School of Adv. Management. Professor of Finance, Graduate School, Aoyama Gakuin Univ. Principal Management Development Inc., CFA, CMA.

井手 正介


1942年東京都生まれ。1965年一橋大学商学部卒。野村証券に就職、野村総合研究所出向後、転籍。1969年ペンシルベニア大ウォートン・スクールMBA。 1980年-1997年(財)野村マネジメントスクールに出向。設立、プログラム開発並びに教務全般を統括。1990-92年大阪大学経済学部客員教授。1990年野村総合研究所理事。1999-2005年青山学院大学ビジネススクール教授。2005年より現職。CFA, CMA。

Nick Carrigan

Managing Director, Head of Client Trading & Execution
UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

Nick Carrigan runs all client-facing trading businesses for Japanese equities and is manages the APAC region’s technology development program at UBS. He has been with UBS for 17 years in a variety of trading and technology roles, and in the current role in Japan since the start of 2010.


クライアント・トレーディング アンド エグゼキューション部長
マネージング ディレクター


Ross Whittaker

AES Manager
Credit Suisse Securities

Ross Whittaker is the manager of Advanced Execution Services (AES) at Credit Suisse Securities (Japan) Limited. Before joining Credit Suisse in 2010, Mr. Whittaker worked in various electronic trading roles at Nomura Securities Japan and Lehman Brothers. Prior to coming to Japan in 2005, Mr. Whittaker was a strategy and management consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton in the United States.



ロス・ウィッタカー、クレディ・スイス証券株式会社 株式本部 Advanced Execution Services (AES) 部マネージャー。2010年クレディ・スイス入社以前は野村證券株式会社およびリーマン・ブラザーズ証券株式会社において、様々な電子取引業務に従事する。2005年の来日前は、米国ブーズ・アレン・ハミルトンにおいて経営戦略コンサルタントとして活躍。

Ryusuke Yokoyama

Executive Officer of Marketing and Promotion Unit, Market Business Development
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

Mr. Yokoyama joined Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 1986, graduating from Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics. After serving as IT business department director, he assumed his current position of executive officer for market business development in April 2011 when the Marketing and Promotion Unit was established. He leads the overall planning and execution of marketing strategy for the secondary market with a view to providing all investors with diverse trading opportunities.

横山 隆介

執行役員 マーケット営業部長


Shunsuke Nishino

General Manager, Head of Trading
Daiwa SB Investments Ltd

Joined Daiwa Securities in 1987. Engaged in foreign equity sales trading for Japanese institutions at Tokyo and Hong Kong offices, and assumed General Manager at Equity department. Joined Daiwa SB Investments in 2002 as Managing Director at UK subsidiary office, and assumed present post in 2006.
Before joining the Daiwa Group, he worked for Japanese manufactures mainly engaged in export sales.
Bachelor of Commerce from Doshisha University.

西野 俊介



Simmy Grewal

Senior Analyst
Aite Group

Simmy Grewal is a senior analyst at Aite Group, specializing in the European equity trading markets. She covers equity market structure, including primary exchanges, multilateral trading facilities and dark pools, electronic trading, and high frequency trading, and focuses on the impact of European regulation on each of these areas. Prior to joining Aite Group, Ms. Grewal was with Morgan Stanley. Ms. Grewal holds a degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Imperial College, London.

Ms. Grewal has been widely quoted in the press, in publications including Bloomberg, The Financial Times, Financial News, FTSE Global Markets, Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE), The Trade, and Advanced Trading. She has spoken at key industry events across Europe and Asia, including TradeTech Europe, TradeTech Japan, The International Trader Forum, High Frequency Trading World Europe, and FPL EMEA. She was honored as one of Financial News' “40 Under 40 Rising Stars of Trading and Technology” in 2011.




グリューワル氏は、ブルームバーグ、フィナンシャル・タイムズ、フィナンシャル・ニュース、FTSE グローバル・マーケット、Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE)、The TradeおよびAdvanced Tradingといった新聞・出版誌面に数多く取り上げられている。TradeTechヨーロッパ、TradeTechジャパン、国際トレーダーフォーラム、ハイ・フリークエンシー・トレーディング・ワールド・ヨーロッパやFPL EMEAといった欧州・アジアの主要産業イベントにて講演。2011年フィナンシャル・ニュース誌の「40 Under 40 Rising Stars of Trading and Technology」 の一人に選ばれる。

Takashi Nagai

Product Manager
NYSE Technologies

Takashi Nagai joined the financial systems division of Fujitsu Limited and was in charge of exchange platform covering system design, application/infrastructure implementation and maintenance. Nagai joined NYSE Technologies in 2008 as support analyst to work on exchange platform projects. Nagai is currently in charge of the Tokyo Liquidity Center service as a product manager.

長井 賢司

NYSE Technologies

早稲田大学卒業後、01年、富士通株式会社に入社。以降、金融システム部門にて取引所システムを担当し、主に日本と英国の取引所システムのプロジェクトに携わる。08年、NYSE Technologiesに入社し、引き続き取引所システムの導入、サポートに従事。現在は同社の「東京リクイディティセンタ」のプロダクトマネージャーを担当。

Takayuki Saito

Executive Director
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.

Takayuki Saito joined Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd. in August 2010. He runs Electronic Trading there. Upon graduating from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, he started his career at Bloomberg L.P. as a sales person and then moved to Merrill Lynch Japan Securities as a project manager. He was also engaged in marketing and coordinating FIX connectivity, DMA, and algorithmic trading services at UBS Securities Japan.

齋藤 隆幸

株式統括本部 エグゼクティブ・ディレクター

アメリカ合衆国コネチカット州Wesleyan Universityを卒業後、ブルームバーグL.P.、メリルリンチ日本証券を経て、UBS証券会社に入社。UBSではDMA、アルゴリズムトレーディング、クロッシングエンジンなどの営業及びマーケティングを担当。2010年8月にモルガン・スタンレーMUFG証券株式会社に入社。 株式統括本部の日本における電子取引業務を統括する。

Takeya Kamei

Deutsche Securities Inc.

Takeya Kamei joined Deutsche Securities in 2005 where he is responsible for equity electronic trading working closely with buyside clients including HFT clients trading into Japan or other Asian markets, Japanese exchanges, PTSs and vendors. He is one of the most experienced figures in the industry having previously worked for 6 years in FIX connectivity business development.

亀井 雄也



Tetsuya Wakabayashi

Head of Trading
Invesco Asset Management(Japan)Limited

Tetsuya joined Morgan Stanley in 2000 and is a trader for MSIM’s Japanese equity strategies. He has 10 years experience as a trader. Prior to joining the firm, he was a trader, an analyst and a fund manager at SB Investment Management Co., Ltd., which was merged with Daiwa International Capital Management Co., Ltd. Previously, he spent two years in Sumitomo Bank Co., Ltd. In 2010, he joined Invesco Asset Management (Japan) Limited due to the business transfer of Morgan Stanley.

Tetsuya received a B.S. in Physics from Sophia University. He is a Certified Financial Technician of the Nippon Technical Analysts Association (CFTe).

若林 哲也


1989年株式会社住友銀行に入行し六本木支店融資外国課及び取引先課に勤務。1991年住銀投資顧問株式会社(現 大和住銀投信投資顧問株式会社)に出向し日本株式運用及び先物・オプション運用を担当。また、テクニカル分析担当及び先物・オプションのタイミング・モデルの開発に携わる。1998年より日本株式のトレーディングを担当。2000年12月、モルガン・スタンレー・アセット・マネジメント投信株式会社にトレーダーとして入社。2004年1月、トレーディング部長に就任。同社からインベスコへの事業譲渡に伴い、2010年7月にインベスコ投信投資顧問株式会社に入社。日本テクニカルアナリスト協会検定アナリスト、上智大学 理工学部卒業

Tetsuya Watanabe

Vice President
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd

Tetsuya Watanabe is a Vice President at Goldman Sachs and is responsible for sales and marketing of the Electronic Trading services and products in Asia. Tetsuya is also responsible for the service and product management around the alternative liquidity access in Japan. Tetsuya joined Goldman Sachs in 2001 and assumed current role in Electronic Trading business since 2005.

渡部 哲也



Yasuo Hamakake

Representative Director and CEO
Chi-X Japan Limited

Yasuo Hamakake is Representative Director and CEO at Chi-X Japan Limited. In this role, Yasuo is responsible for the trading venue’s strategy and oversight of its business and operational functions. He previously served as Chief Technology Officer and has been with the company since inception.

Prior to joining Chi-X in 2009, he served as Head of Information Technology Division at Deutsche Securities to oversee information technology services across Deutsche Bank Japan Group. Before joining Deutsche, he held several positions with NatWest and Morgan Stanley in Tokyo, Hong Kong and New York.

浜欠 康生



Yoko Shimizu

Associate Professor
Fukui Prefectural University

1991 Dep. of Economics, Kyoto Univ.
1991-2000 Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto Univ.
1995 Researcher, Japan Securities Research Institute
2000 Senior Researcher, Japan Securities Research Institute
2001 Lecturer, Fukui Prefectural Univ.
2006 Associate Professor, Fukui Prefectural Univ.

research fields: securities market structure and market dispersion, securities market and technology

清水 葉子

福井県立大学 経済学部

1991年 京都大学経済学部卒業
1991-2000年 京都大学大学院経済学研究科
1995年 (財)日本証券経済研究所 研究員
2000年 同、主任研究員
2001年 福井県立大学 講師
2006年 同、准教授


Yusuke Sakai

General Mgr. Trading Dept.
T&D Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Yusuke Sakai is the head of trading department in T&D Asset Management from 2008.
He adopted new order management system in 2010, and proactively has utilized PTS and darkpool for electronic trading.
Yusuke Sakai was a fund manager of Japanese equity in a Japanese life insurance company. Then, He joined Fuji Security (currently, Mizuho Security) in 2000 and worked as a Japanese equity trader. In 2005, he became a head of Sales Trading Department. He launched electronic trading team in 2006 and was in charge of Enhanced Equity Trading Department.

酒井 祐輔

